Ainsley Loves School

Ainsley and I spend about 25-30 minutes in the car each morning and evening driving to and from school/work. If you know my daughter, you should not be surprised to hear that she spends most of this time talking or singing. Yesterday she told me that Steward School was the best place in the world she could ever dream of. Yes, she loves school that much! And then this morning I had another conversation in the car with my way-too-energized-for-7am-daughter:

Ainsley: Mama, did you know that Steward School is the best place you could ever dream of?!?

Me: Yes, I know! You said that yesterday!

Ainsley: Everyone in the universe should want to come here!

Me: So what makes it so special?

Ainsley: Mr. Frank [that's my boss, the headmaster] and Mrs. Wallis [that's her teacher]!!!

Me: Yeah? What are your other favorite things about school?

Ainsley: Recess! And cornbread at lunch! And cooking class!  And seeing Mama at school! And playing with my friends! And I love PE! Steward School is the best place in the universe! 

I’m not making this up. At this point she launches into a song about how Steward School is the best. After singing her own little tune for 5 minutes I turned on my phone and recorded her – which you can watch below when you need a good laugh.


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