Outlander Obsession

Many of you know that I like to read historical fiction. History books? Boring. Romance novels? Monotonous. Mysteries? Predictable. Put them all together into historical fiction and I feel like I'm learning something worthwhile while enjoying a good story. So if you haven't read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, I highly recommend it. Better yet, if you haven't watched the new Starz TV show that is based on the books, I recommend that even more! Sure, there are now eight novels to the series, plus eleven novellas, a graphic novel, and a few non-fiction references tossed in there. It's a lot - but having read every single one of them (in the past 4 months), I can say they've been very educational as well. Who wants to take a trip to Scotland with me?

If you haven't read the books and have a Nook, let me know and I can share them with you. I also have the first two books in paperback (if I ever get them back from the friends who borrowed them...) For those of you who have not yet watched the TV show, the first half of the season is now available on iTunes and Amazon Prime -- or on the DVR in my living room - bring a bottle of wine or a dram of whiskey and you can watch it for free with me! Bear McCreary's Outlander soundtrack is available now too and it's A-mazing.

How can you NOT want to watch these two fight for Scottish independence?

Read no further if you haven't read the books or watched the show - the rest is just for my fellow Sassanachs who are going through Droughtlander until the season returns on April 4th. As requested by several of you here is some fun reading for you, courtesy of some of the other bloggers that I follow. 

Highlights and Lowlights of Jamie Fraser's Hair 

Outlander Anatomy - some really educational anatomy lessons based on clips from the show. One of my favorites is Jamie's Thighs or Ode to Joy.

Want to learn how to say all those words in Gaelic? Speak Outlander videos are awesome (at the bottom of the page) and this site also provides some neat background for the language. The videos featuring Sam Heughan are my favorites, ya ken. 

Outlander TV News - has all your newest gossip on the TV show and actors. 

And of course I would be remiss not to mention the link to Herself's website Diana Gabaldon - in which she also posts daily lines from the new book she's writing (#9 in the series).  I actually recommend that you follow her on Facebook because she's always posting interesting articles and history (and even replies to fan's comments quite often). It's kinda weird to think that a woman who hold three science degrees in Zoology, Marine Biology, and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Behavioral Ecology, could be such an amazing historical fiction author. But it just means that every book is full of interesting and fascinating details. 

So there's my public service announcement for the day, mo charaid. Dinna fash - you may return to your regularly scheduled non-Gaelic-speaking programs. 


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