Grandparents Day Program

Each spring Ainsley's school has a program for grandparents. None of ours could make it this year, but one of m y co-workers 'adopted' her for the day and attended as her grandmother. The kids put on a musical play and afterwards they have a reception in their classroom and do an art project with their grandparents. This year's play was 'Won't You Let Me Take You on a Sea Cruise' - the kids all went on a cruise that featured stories and songs about healthy living - exercising, eating healthy, and unplugging from electronic devices. The kindergarteners sang two songs - F.I.T, and Body Boogie, and then later joined the whole lower school to sing Move It or Lose It, and Sea Cruise.

For your morning laugh, here are the videos of Ainsley and her kindergarten friends singing and dancing their way to health. Enjoy!


Body Boogie

Move It or Lose It (she's on the end)

Sea Cruise


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