Conversation with My Son

Parker: Mommy, where did you go?

Me: I went to the store.

Parker [getting excited]: The pet store??

Me: No, I went to the hardware store.

Parker: No, that's a DADDY store. Not a Mommy store. 

Me [finding this ironic because he goes to the hardware store with me 95% of the time]: Mommies can go to the hardware store too. 

Parker: NO, Mommy! The hardware store is a DADDY store. All the other stores are Mommy stores. 

Me: I can go to all the other stores?

Parker: Yes, all the other stores are Mommy stores. The hardware store is a DADDY store. And the pet store is a Mommy AND a Daddy store. 

[pause]  Okay, ONE Mommy can go to the hardware store. Just one Mommy. 

Me: Just one? 

Parker: Yes, only MY Mommy can go. None of the other mommies. 

Me: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Parker: Shhhhh! There is a tiger in my closet!

And so goes a typical conversation with a three year old. We then moved on to an analysis of the best way to capture the tiger in his closet. 


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