Surprise Celebration

Last weekend we had a surprise retirement party for my father-in-law.  We had a great time keeping this a secret for the past few months. My brother-in-law, nieces and nephew joined us in North Carolina for a weekend visit with Skip and Reva. We planned a fun day with the kids and tricked Skip into thinking we had alternate plans for Saturday night. About 45 friends joined us at a local winery to surprise him. It was an awesome night!

Breakfast with the whole family!

Carolina and Ainsley enjoying some girl time!

 Parker helped Grandaddy clean and organize his tool box. 

Guests starting to arrive for the party!

Even the rain couldn't keep these two from their greeting duties! 

Time for the surprise! 

At breakfast that morning we gave Skip a t-shirt that says "Retired - It's 5 o'clock everywhere!" Ironically he was wearing it underneath his long shirt, so he could show it off to everyone!

Parker thought it was his job to show the cake to everyone!

Carolina and Grandaddy

Ainsley and Grandaddy!

Parker's turn!

 Happy grandkids!

All five grandkids together!

 A toast to Skip's retirement!

Time for some gift opening!

The happy retired couple!

The whole family!

What a wonderful celebration! Congratulations Skip! 


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