Fall Festivities

Fall is one of my favorite times of year, although it also tends to be the busiest. The days are a little cooler, the humidity goes down (which also means my hair goes down), the leaves are changing, and there are lot of fun activities to do with the kids. This year was no different - lots of fun times outdoors!

This year the kids were required to CARRY their own pumpkins. Parker was a trooper and somehow managed to carry, roll, or drag his 10 lb pumpkin to the cart. He was so proud of himself! 

This little beauty lost her second tooth!

Enjoying SpartaFest with friends! This is our school's annual fall festival with food, rides, and games. 

Melanie has been my best friend since I was three years old. We don't get to see each other that often these days since she is still in Maryland and I'm over here in Virginia. But we found a Sunday when both the hubbies were occupied and we met halfway at a farm with all the kids. They had a great time playing, sliding, running, and picking pumpkins! 

Such a good big sister - she went down the big slide with him until he was comfortable going by himself. 

Ainsley (6), Ian (5), Parker (3) and Hannah (2)

When moms are taking pictures, it's impossible to get all the kids looking at the same camera...

'Look at all that treasure!'

They gathered quite a collection! 

Me and all my little pumpkins!

 A very entertaining end to the day.

As usual, Ainsley insisted that she was not tired when we left the farm. And she was absolutely, positively NOT going to take a nap...


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