Basement Renovation

We've been a little quiet about our latest house project because we weren't sure of the timeline. But now that it's (mostly) finished, we are happy to show the before and after (and in progress) pictures! First I must give most of the credit to our amazingly talented friend (and interior designer) Amy Gallo. She did the design for the whole room, helped us with picking out the cabinets, appliances, counter, lights, floor, and even the little cabinet knobs. Of course it helps that she knows us well and understands our style (Bowlin Beige), but she was also the voice of reason that we needed anytime we were having a hard time making a decision. There were a LOT of showroom visits, text messages, frantic phone calls, random questions, and somehow she still wants to be with us at the end of it. Thanks Amos! 

So if you've been to our house you know we have two large rooms in our basement. This picture is taken standing at the sliding glass door that leads to the screened porch. To the right (behind that sheet of plastic) is the 'TV room' with the couches and TV. I forgot to take a picture before they ripped up the carpet, but you get the idea. Just a big empty room (that used to have carpet).

Lots of behind-the-scenes work had to be done first, including running plumbing and electrical all through the room. Luckily the room behind this wall is our unfinished storage room, so it was easy to remove the drywall from that room to run most of the lines.

Here we added a knee wall that serves as the bar counter area. 

Check out our awesome new floor! It looks like real hardwood (shhh - it's not!)

Cabinet installation

Lights on the walls!

Countertop installation

Appliances are in! 
Three refrigerators (beer, wine, and soda)

Dishwasher and ice maker

The official 'Hanging of the Antlers'

Moving all the furniture back in.

Aren't these the best drawer pulls ever?

Bar stools arrive! We have places to sit!

Pictures are hung!

Still waiting on the chairs for the table but otherwise WE'RE DONE!

So mark your calendars for Saturday, February 20, 2016 for our Ninth Annual Wash Away the Winter Blues Party. You can help us break in the new bar (but hopefully not by actually breaking anything)! We've successfully managed to keep the ice maker a secret from the kids (who would otherwise be in the basement all day long playing with ice), so hopefully it will still be working by the time February rolls around.


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