Things To Be Thankful For

So many things to be thankful for this year. As always, my kids give me constant reminders of what we have and how lucky we are. We have a home, food, clothes, good jobs, and a dog (Ainsley always brings this up) - things that most people around the world don't have. We are healthy and both of our kids are getting a great education. We are surrounded by friends and family. Too many things to name, but we are thankful for them all. 

This week was also time for the various Thanksgiving programs at school. This year I made it to watch both kids' school programs (first Ainsley's program at Steward and then hopped in the car and drove to WUMP for Parker's). Enjoy this little bit of fun! 

The kindergarten and first graders at Steward singing about Timothy Turkey.  Ainsley is on the top row to the left of the blond haired boy.

Parker's class (Indians) joined with another class (Pilgrims) for a special feast. He didn't know we were coming, and here is his bright smile when he notices we are there!

He just keeps on smiling!

Singing one of their songs for us.

Enjoying his feast.

"Watch me Mommy - I know you are across the room and can't stop me from eating my Oreo cookie first!"

Love this little guy so much! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


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