A Hunting We Will Go (Again)!

After spending Thanksgiving in York, we headed north to start preparations for hunting camp. We spent some time at the lake first, and the kids enjoyed playing in the woods since it was a little warmer than normal. 

Parker was excited for an ATV ride with Papa. 

Later, he managed to get himself completely covered in mud while playing outside. He was a very happy boy!

Ainsley got some quality snuggle time with Nana before we headed to hunting camp.

Ainsley spent two days at camp with all the hunters. She loves spending time with Papa hiking in the woods, building fires and roasting marshmallows, and running around outside.

She brought her pink butterfly binoculars and "spied" on all of us.

On Tuesday Parker came out and spent the night at camp. He had never been before. Next year he'll be old enough to come, so we thought it would be good to have a little introduction this year. He was so happy to be there!

One of the best parts of hunting camp? Lots of cookies!

 And on Tuesday, although it rained on and off throughout the day, I managed to sneak up on this nice six point. That will keep our freezer full for the year!

It is always  nice to get away from civilization for a little while and spend some time in the woods. Thanks to both of my parents for making it a great week, as always. The kids so enjoy spending time with Papa at camp (and Nana at the lake cabin)! 


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