My 4-Year-Old Man

It's so hard to believe that my little baby turns 4 years old today! My how the years have flown by. Parker continues to melt my heart every day - he is constantly asking for snuggles and seems to know the exact moment when I've lost my patience to run over and hug my legs. His devilish smile will get him into plenty of trouble as he gets older. His current fascinations include anything related to space - rockets, space shuttles, planets, gravity, astronauts - and puzzles, card games, and legos. He continues to love playing with Ainsley (as long as their interests align). He is riding a regular big-boy bike with training wheels and does his best to keep up with her. Aside from the occasional meltdown, usually sparked by a broken granola bar, he is a happy, funny boy. I love asking him a normal question like "Would you like a banana?" and his answer is "Of course I want a banana!" with a big smile on his face. I love my little man and can't wait to see how he grows over the next year! Happy Birthday Parker! 


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