A Trip Down South
We finally found time to head down south to visit my in-laws, and it happened to be over Ainsley's birthday weekend. We enjoyed gorgeous weather and many fun activities - and of course great company too!
Everything on the mountain was in bloom!
There are streams on the mountain to explore, and Grandma and Grandaddy always have exciting adventures planned! The kids enjoyed a ride down the mountain the back of the truck with Grandma - Eric and I walked the short distance to meet them there.
Panning for gold in the stream! Or, more accurately, panning for garnet!
Grandaddy has all the right tools!
Time to sift through and find the treasures!
The kids got a good lesson on magnifying glasses!
Both kids found enough garnet to fill their little glass vials!
Such a handsome boy - he loves being outside!
Another lesson with magnifying glasses - how to set things on fire! The kids had fun burning this leaf.
Time to pack up the tools!
Some snuggle time with Daddy.
Birthday gifts for Ainsley!
A special fairy house birthday cake!
Always love watching a storm roll in.
Getting some height on the tire swing!
Obligatory family photo
There is a new equestrian center in Tryon, just 20 minutes from Skip & Reva's house. They have lots of family-friendly activities whenever there is a horse show or competition. There are lots of restaurants, clowns, games, a carousel, horseback rides and we could walk through the stables and see all the horses.
This girl loves horses!
Grandaddy rode the carousel at least a dozen times.
We all enjoyed watching some horse jumping competitions and then it was time for bed.
It's always so much fun to have grandparents that used to be clowns! Grandaddy spent most of the morning making balloon animals, swords, and hats for them to play with.
It was such a fun weekend that this little bug passed out just after we left!
And then she fell asleep AGAIN a few hours later!
Thanks to my in-laws for such a fun weekend visit. We look forward to the next trip in July!
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