Homecoming Happiness 2016

Well, let's be honest here. I wasn't entirely sure this weekend was going to happen. On Wednesday Ainsley came home with bronchitis so things were not looking good. But luckily she had some meds and pulled herself together (for the most part - she was on steroids so we had some anger issues to deal with...)  But it turned out to be an awesome weekend in Harrisonburg with friends and fellow alums. 

We drove up Thursday after work. The students open up Greek Row for trick-or-treating, so tons of families showed up on campus. The kids were excited to wear their costumes and get candy from the sororities and fraternities. 

We had some family pictures taken afterwards - you might see a few of them in our Christmas cards next month! We had an early night since Ainsley was still recovering, and we pared down our Friday plans so she could continue to rest and take it easy. Eric played in an alumni golf tournament, while the kids and I wandered around town and found some activities to keep us entertained. 

Playground fun!

Indoor mini golf?  Perfect! We had the place to ourselves!

Lunch at Five Guys, followed by Sweet Frog (only cause Ainsley had a sore throat...)

Friday night we had a babysitter come to the hotel so we could attend the Duke Club Wine & Food Pairing on the field. The kids had a great time with the sitter - she took them to the hotel pool and then made mac & cheese in our kitchen and they ate popcorn in bed. What could be better? Meanwhile,  Mommy and Daddy got to have some adult food and drink with our friends. Yes, it was cold, but how often do you get to drink wine on the football field??


Duke Dog!!!

Saturday we were up bright and early (a little too early after a little too much fun Friday night...) to attend an alumni association breakfast. Then we were ready to start tailgating! We had a great crowd and co-hosted the Richmond chapter tailgate as well. The kids has a blast, setting up their own little party on the field.

Always love a photo bomb by Kelli

Almost POTAA

Almost POTAA and Current POTAA
(President of the Alumni Association)

Jake and Parker - these boys are trouble!

The kids' private roped-off party area, complete with 'beds', games, and lots of pom-poms.

"No Jake, you missed a spot with those face tattoos"

Great spots for tailgating!

Watching the team arrive on the Dog Walk

My handsome men

It's Game Time!

The kids spend most of the game  gathering streamers and then tying them all over the hand rails. I'm sure the stadium staff loves us...

What an awesome section of Richmond alums - 7 families represented! 

We won the game 84-7 so I'd say it was a pretty great Homecoming weekend!  Go Dukes!


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