Fargo Bound!

Fargo?? North Dakota?? Yep - that's the one! JMU had the semi-final playoff game against reigning 5-time champion North Dakota State. Lucky for us,  JMU was smart and chartered at 747 from the valley straight to Fargo. We grabbed two tickets and hopped on board the party plane with a bunch of our fellow Dukes. And what a trip it was! Despite the temperatures (-4) and the snow, we had a wonderful 8 hours there and met some of the nicest people ever. Eric was flying straight from NJ to meet us there (and would then fly home with us) so he missed some of the pre-game excitement. The ND fans were so welcoming and genuinely excited to host us there - they bought us drinks, chatted about football, and wished us safe travels. A guy in the stands even passed out ear plugs to everyone (their indoor stadium is well-known for being loud).  Eric's flight was delayed several times but he made it to his seat 5 minutes before kickoff.

Inside the temperature-controlled FargoDome, we had a great game experience. As you all know by now,  we won the game. I'd like to think the JMU cheering section had something to do with it.  :-) We even ended  up on ESPN a few times! We flew back to Virginia right after the game, but not before spending a few minutes down on the field with our team. The ND fans wished us good luck in the national championship game, shook our hands, congratulated us, and let us take pictures on their field. Seriously - nicest people ever. It was a quick trip but so incredibly worthwhile. We had a blast and will forever remember our Friday night in Fargo, ND.


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