World Champions!

JMU is the FCS National Champion! Or, as Ainsley would say, "We are WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!" Try explaining the FCS/FBS playoff system to a seven year old...

A whirlwind trip to Texas (which almost didn't happen because of snow storms) led us to the national championship game. As always, when we're around our JMU friends, we had tons of fun and lots of laughs. Lots of food and drink, tailgating with 200+ people, an awesome game, post-game tailgating, and more post-game partying - what a great weekend. Even better was having so many friends join us on the trip - college roommates and friends from all over the U.S. - just such a great time.

Our new custom shoes, ready to go to the game!

A veeeeeeery cold Texas morning (12 degrees!)

200+ at the tailgate!

Guard Girls! 

Luckily the cameraman was a good sport about the streamers...

We look forward to making the trip again in 2018!


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