So far behind

Dear Reader,

I apologize for my lack of posts recently. I've been particularly busy.... I guess I've just forgotten about you. I have 'update blog' on my to-do list but it always seems to get pushed to the bottom. It's not that I don't want to share our fun adventures with you.  It's just a lot to keep up with.. I promise to be better about it this spring. And to show that I'm turning over a new leaf, here are some pictures and videos of the kids skiing.  Who doesn't love a skiing 4-year-old?!

And one of my DH skiing too!

Ainsley on Western Territory (black) with Daddy!

This year we got season passes for Snowshoe Mountain. Parker is old enough for ski school now, so we took three trips to West Virginia this season. He LOVES it! He's not quite as adventurous as his big sister, but he's picked it up pretty quickly and is already skiing all the greens and some blues. Ainsley graduated to the next level and got poles (ooooooh!). She skied her first black diamond in February, and knocked out a few more over spring break, skiing the Western Territory with Daddy. Her goal is to get down the mountain as quickly as possible - with the occasional side trip down some moguls or through a side trail in the trees. Mommy is not so adventurous, so I'm happy to stay on the greens and blues and make my way leisurely down the mountain in one piece. One can't underestimate the benefits of having all your limbs in place. But luckily no major crashes or broken bones for our family...yet.

We are currently here for spring break, and although the weather has been a little too warm, we're still having a great time.

My final day of skiing over spring break and I made it down 4 different blacks (including Western Territory). Didn't go fast, and didn't look pretty, but I made it down without falling! Ski season is over but we're all excited for next year!


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