Lake Love

I am always happy when I can get away for a few days at the lake! Although we didn't get to visit for too long, we still enjoyed a long weekend in the beautiful (and humid-free) Pennsylvania Endless Mountains. Kids, dogs, and adults all had a great time. My Aunt Sue,  cousin Lauren, and cousin's daughter Katie (and their lab Chunk) also joined us, so we were able to get some good Arnold family time! 

Helping Nana with their favorite chore - pulling lily pads from the path!

Dixie doing her favorite thing - frogging!

Blue is such a happy water dog.

Cousin Katie caught her first newt!

My happy nature bug - she would bring home a whole bucket of newts if I let her!

Can't keep them out of the water!

Helping Papa drive the tractor.

A beautiful day on the lake!

Some tired kids getting a bedtime story from Nana. They keep a lot of my childhood books at the cabin and the kids love reading them when they visit. 

A great day for some fishing! This was the first time he was brave enough to hold it himself!

Ice cream at Antol's - a summer tradition!

My two baby boys - both happy and tired after a day of swimming and playing in the woods!

Our family rainbow of labs - Dixie, Lila, Blue, and Chunk.

Family photo time!

A car full of tired kids and dogs on the way home. It was great to get away from the Richmond heat for a few days and enjoy some nice family time. Thanks Nana and Papa!


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