Camp Grandma & Grandaddy 2017

Camp is here again! This year Parker was old enough to join his cousins for 2 weeks at Camp Grandma and Grandaddy. My in-laws planned a very detailed itinerary to keep the five grandkids busy (ages 5-15)! Hiking, camping, swimming, tubing, fishing, crafts, star gazing, and much more! Many thanks to Skip and Reva for giving them such great memories!

All packed and ready to go! (With their own new suitcases!)

Trying out the new swing!

Enjoying some more swinging and the gorgeous mountain views!

The two grandsons! Parker is always so happy to spend time with Caleb and get away from all the girls!

All the kids going for a walk on the mountain.

First night on the screen porch! They are looking at their camp binders with the schedule for tomorrow.

Making their first set of tie-dye camp shirts.


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