Dubrovnik, Croatia

 Dubrovnik! Our first stop in Croatia certainly lived up to the hype. It is a beautiful old city, and although a lot of it was destroyed during the civil war in the early 90's, it has been rebuilt and you can hardly tell what is original and what is new. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, there are strict rules about where you can build, and everything has to be in keeping with the original city architecture. We rode a cable car up to the mountain above the city to take in the breathtaking views.

This is the view of the old town from our ship.

We took a walking tour of the city and the walls.

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you will recognize most of this, as much of the show was filmed here and in the surrounding mountains.

View from on top of the city walls - you can walk all the way around on the walls that encircle the old town.

Every turn was a beautiful little street, lined with shops, apartments, and laundry hanging outside windows.

One of the guides on the ship told us about a spot where you could swim and jump off the walls. We went with our friends Dave and Kelly to find this amazing spot!

My brave husband jumped off two different spots - what a thrill!

The hard part was not the height - it was jumping out far enough to clear the rocks.
Here is one of the crazy Australians we were jumping with - he jumped from the highest spot!

And yes, by the end I had finally worked up the courage for one jump. But one was enough for me!

(This video is shows both of us jumping, and you have to watch how long it takes me to work up the courage to jump!)

The water is so clear, you can see down about 30 feet!

After all that excitement, we all needed a break! Some other people from our ship took kayak tours (you can see them here)

Definitely our best day so far! What an adventure! 


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