Ainsley's Dictionary

For those of you who haven't spent a lot of time around Ainsley, here is a dictionary so you can understand "Ainsley-speak".

Baby Suit:  What you wear when you swim.
Gockgorn:  Popped corn kernels.
Green Applesauce:  Applesauce that comes in a pouch.
Manilla: White ice cream, specifically vanilla in flavor.
Orange Store: Also known as Home Depot.
Princess Shoes: Any shoes with a heel.
Pump-N-Feeders: A breast pump.
Red Store: Also known as Target.
Swippers: A kitchen tool used for turning pancakes.
The "T": Otherwise known as an All-Terain Vehicle.
Zoomy-Zumeum:  Children's Museum of Richmond.

I'm sure this dictionary will continue to expand over time...


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