Parker's Baptism

This weekend we hosted friends and family for Parker's baptism. I had been talking to Ainsley about it the past few weeks - explaining that family was going to come visit, and that we would all stand up at the front of the church for a special prayer. I explained that Pastor Paul was going to sprinkle some water on Parker's head, to which she responded "Parker has to wear his baby suit!"  (See previous post with Ainsley's dictionary if you aren't familiar with the baby suit). She was then concerned that we should ALL be wearing our baby suits. This resulted in a 5 minute conversation about appropriate church attire. Needless to say, I was more worried about Ainsley's behavior during the baptism than Parker's.
Ainsley was a year old when she was baptised. She wore a beautiful white dress that my mom found at a boutique store. Parker however, barely squeezed into the white romper that I bought for him a few months ago. He also had a lovely handmade christening cap that a friend gave us at his baby shower, which also barely fit his head. He managed to look adorable anyway!

Because Ainsley was a little older, there were some tears when Pastor Pete sprinkled the water on her head. But Parker - our happy, laid-back little man - was all smiles for his baptism. He was thrilled with all the attention and happy to look around at all the faces in front of him. Always ready to make people smile, he grabbed Pastor Paul's glasses and started chewing on them. And even though he was short on sleep that morning, he didn't shed a single tear or show a single frown in front of the congregation. Thankfully Ainsley was also on her best behavior - quietly and sweetly watching her baby brother.

In addition to Parker's grandparents and godparents, we also had several other friends in attendance. After the church service we all enjoyed lunch at a local Italian restaurant. I think Ainsley enjoyed the whole event more than anyone else - she thought all everyone was there just to see HER! She and the other kids ran around the restaurant playing games, rolling on the floor, and shrieking as only toddlers can do (thankfully we had reserved a private room).

We are so thankful to have such wonderful friends and family to share this occasion with us. What a fun and blessed day!

Note: Unfortunately Parker suffers from "second-child-syndrome". Somehow we managed to leave the church without ANY pictures of him. Luckily we remembered to take a few at lunch afterwards...

Grandma and Grandaddy Williams
Nana and Papa Ayres
Parker and Ainsley's godparents - Amy and Tom Gallo (aka Mimi and Tata)

Enjoying lunch with friends and family
Jake Gallo is a very popular baby!
Kyle, entertaining the kids.
Ainsley being silly with Miss Robin!
Happy Grandparents with Parker!

Nana and Papa enjoying some snuggle time.

We also got a chance to celebrate Grandma's birthday! Ainsley baked and decorated a cake for her, sang Happy Birthday, and helped blow out the candles. Happy Birthday Grandma!


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