A Vacation of "Firsts"

What a wonderful mid-summer vacation to the lake! We spent 4 days at the cabin enjoying warmer-than-average temperatures and refreshing swims in the lake. It was also a trip with a lot of "first times". This was Parker's first time at the lake - something you can see he was very excited about!

After getting over his initial outburst of joy he prompty got back to doing what he does best - smiling, chewing on things, and sleeping. Ainsley's first request after she climbed out of the car was "Nana, can we ride the T?" (that's ATV for those of you who are not well-versed in 'Ainsley-speak'). Last year she was very nervous about the ATV, and she flat-out refused to ride Papa's tractor. Apparently a year makes a huge difference because this time there was no hesitation!
Riding in Nana's Ranger

Helping Papa drive the tractor!

One of many "T" rides with Daddy!

In addition to her newfound interest in riding on things with oversize tires, Ainsley also enjoyed fishing for the first time! Papa helped her with the worms and the hook but she helped bring in those big fish (3 total)! She was a little more interested in watching the fish in the bucket rather than waiting for the bobber to move. I guess patience is something we'll have to work on this year.

One reason we come up at the end of July each year is to celebrate my mom's birthday. Nana was so happy to be able to have both of her grandkids to help blow the candles off the cake!

That's one happy Nana!
The whole family spent some time at the Guest House to clean out some of the sheds and junk under the deck. Parker was a big help, as always.

Last year Ainsley was happy to play by the dock and throw rocks for the dog. This year she is much more confident in her swimming abilities, so she was ready to head out to the float. She helped Mommy and Nana pick lily pads from the path (making a nice salad for her "supper"). It didn't take long until she was climbing the ladder and jumping off, eager to splash whoever was near. That's our little fish!

Lila figured out it's much more fun to float than swim.
The past few years we've tried to do s'mores but it never seemed to work out with the chaos of dinner and bedtime. This year we decided to get the fire going early! Ainsley helped Papa collect sticks and then anxiously awaited her turn to "cook" her marshmallow. Unfortunately she was not as interested in eating it. Instead she picked marshmallows straight from the bag to eat. Oh well - at least she enjoyed the process and the rest of us got to eat the rewards!

This was after her marshmallow fell off into the fire.
Parker got to meet some family and friends for the first time - the Moomeys and Linaberrys (family friends), and Great Aunt Sue, cousin Lauren and Jim, and second cousin Kaitlyn.

The first weekend in August is always one of Susquehanna County's biggest events - the Blueberry Festival! Ainsley and cousin Kaitlyn enjoyed playing games, crafts, and of course, enjoying all things blueberry.

She got a hole-in-one on her first try!

Then she missed a few so Daddy had to step in and coach.

This fishing is MUCH easier!
In addition to riding the Ranger, ATV, and tractor, swimming and jumping, going for walks in the woods, fishing, and making s'mores, she even took a few minutes to enjoy a boat ride with Mommy.

Parker did what he does best - he watched his sister and smiled at her happiness. And he slept.


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