Brave Boy

Last Friday Parker had a quick outpatient surgery to have tubes put in his ears. After suffering from 8 ear infections over the past year, we decided it was finally time to get them done. Ainsley had them put in when she was 14 months old, and it made such a huge difference in her health and quality of life. We saw firsthand how quickly it impacted her life, and greatly reduced our trips to the doctors office. 

We got up early Friday morning to drop off Ainsley and get Parker to the surgery center for preparation. Although he couldn't eat anything, he was still his happy self and enjoyed watching Mickey Mouse and crawling around his prep room. He didn't even cry when the doctor came to take him to the operating room and we had to leave him. What a brave boy! 15 minutes later and the surgery was finished. He was a little confused and out-of-sorts coming out of the anesthesia but settled quickly with his bottle. A long nap at home and a quick dose of Tylenol, and he was back to playing as usual!

Hanging out in our prep room, watching the nurses .

I'm even handsome in a hospital gown!

Just chillin' at home, trying to get some sympathy snuggles.


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