
I remember as a child sleeping in the back seat of my parent's Jeep Cherokee. Long trips back and forth to Pennsylvania - before the speed limit was 65, and Rt. 4 in Calvert County was still 2 lanes. Bags (or the dog) piled in the seat next to me. Playing car games by myself because I couldn't read (motion sickness) and mom's injured back kept her from turning around in the seat constantly. I remember sleeping quite comfortably in the back seat of that Jeep. I don't know how. But now I realize that children can sleep anywhere. It doesn't matter how uncomfortable they appear - their little bodies just conform to the space and they sleep soundly. I present the following exhibits as proof:
Practicing her conformity at an early age.

Today's nap position.
I guess I should just be thankful that she sleeps at all, because a rested child is a happy child. Or something like that.

Editor's Note: After I posted this entry we made a trip up to the lake. Ainsley found a new sleeping position after claiming "I'm not tired!"


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