Things That Make Kids Laugh

I started this blog as a way to keep family and friends informed and entertained about what goes on in our (beige) lives. It has become a great way for me to record and remember the small and silly things that happen along the way while raising these two crazy kids. I hope in ten years I can show this to Ainsley and she'll roll her eyes me for putting this all in writing. Last night I was struck by just how silly she is, and what makes her laugh.

She's in that preschool phase of calling everything "poop."  And she laughs hysterically about it. And it's not just calling her brother "Baby Parker Poopy Head." A typical conversation goes something like this:

Me:  "Ainsley, I love you!"
Her: "I love you too, Mommy Poopy Goofy Shoe Hair Poopy Mud!" (then she erupts in laughter)

She's not even trying to be mean when she says it - she just thinks it's hysterical to use the word "poopy" to describe everything she sees. 

The other thing that makes her laugh? Her favorite is when I sing The Name Game / Banana Song. She tries to replicate it but rarely gets any of it right except the "banana-nana" part.  Then she just makes up other words and sings it to the same tune. She sings constantly. Last night at Waffle House [yes, we had dinner at Waffle House], she spent a solid 10 minutes hitting two spoons together and singing a song about the weather. 

Sometimes her silly songs are annoying - like when I'm trying to talk to her and she won't stop singing. Or we've finished eating dinner for 15 minutes and she is still working on bite #3 because she's been too busy singing to eat anything. Or when we're in a restaurant and she wants to make sure the little boy on the other side of the room can hear her voice. But mostly I try to just enjoy these moments and chuckle at our creative and happy girl. I know in ten years I'll be lucky to get a smile out of her. 


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