
Let's go! After a busy weekend of moving we have officially sold our first home, and are waiting rather impatiently to close on our next home tomorrow. The weekend had its share of ups and downs but luckily everything seemed to work out just fine. We got the chance to visit and say goodbye to most of our neighbors. Nana came down on Saturday and helped entertain the kids while DH and I (and 4 movers) packed up our household.  We figured out pretty quickly that all of our stuff was not going to fit in the PODS that we had ordered... so we made a last-minute call to Uhaul and got a 26' truck to squeeze in the rest of it. Thankfully we have nice friends who are allowing us to not only sleep at their house for 3 days, but also park our moving truck in their driveway. AND we got to cool down in their pool after moving out of the house!  Thanks Gallos! 

This morning I went by the house to leave out the keys and notes for the new owners. It was raining, which made for an especially dreary visit. It is so strange to walk through your own house without any furniture, toys, pets.... it was eerily quiet. But it makes me happy to know that it won't be empty for long, and later today it will be filled with the belongings of a new family. 

What a strange sight! No deck furniture, no flower pots, no toys. 

Of course my flowers are coming out in full bloom now and I'm going to miss their pretty summer show! I decided to cut a few to take with me. Certainly the new owners wouldn't notice that any are missing...

Those are the PODS that wouldn't quite hold everything. Well, that's an understatement. There was a LOT they couldn't hold. But it all worked out in the end. 

Goodbye house. Goodbye neighbors. Goodbye plants, trees, birds and squirrels. We'll be right down the road so I'm sure we'll see you again soon (although I'll try my best not to stalk the new owners by driving by the house each day to see what they're changing...)

Today we are homeless. Tonight we take the kids to walk through their new house for the first time. And tomorrow at 10am we will be homeowners again. Let the next stage begin!


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