Birthday Weekend

I am lucky enough to share my birthday week with my daughter. Our birthdays are three days apart, so we often end up celebrating together on the same weekend. This year Ainsley was old enough to decide on her own who should be invited to her party. (Although sometimes I think she would've been happy to invite any random person at the grocery store too.) The moon bounce was such a big hit last year that we decided to do it again. The kids had a great time bouncing, sliding, and eating pizza and cake. It rained for a while during the party, but that didn't stop Ainsley from making her own 'slip-n-slide' in the moon bounce. She bounced in huge puddles and went down the slide soaking wet (sometimes all by herself while the other kids were inside). She certainly wasn't going to let a little rain stop her from having fun!

Enjoying some pizza!

And some birthday cake!

Timmy helps her open a birthday gift.

Fun times with Bea!

Best idea ever... even in the rain!

No Hello Kitty party is complete without a matching cake!

And here she is, my little jumping bean, enjoying her birthday serenade! 


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