My Birthday Girl

My, how time flies! It's amazing to think that four years ago our "children" were Duke and Squirt, and our weekends revolved around gardening, golfing and a perfectly manicured lawn. It's amazing how children can bring so much stress, frustration and anxiety... but they also bring so much joy, peace and laughter. Ainsley arrived 4 years ago and became the center of our world. Everyday she continues to amaze me with her intelligence. She loves to sing and dance ('shake your booty' is a favorite saying of hers), and she loves to create crazy stories. Although she sometimes has the attitude and tantrums of a 4-year-old, most of the time she seems much older than she is. I sometimes forget that she is so young, as we have these very mature conversations. Ainsley, my snuggle bug, I love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman. But please be kind to your mother and don't grow up too fast! Happy 4th birthday to my sweet, sassy, funny little bug.


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