Adventures in San Francisco

'If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.' They forgot to mention an umbrella too. I didn't bring either one. 

I'll be in San Francisco for 5 days attending, and presenting at, a continuing education conference. Even though I no longer work in adult continuing ed, I'm still very involved with the national organization that puts on these conferences every year. 

After an uneventful flight, I landed in SFO with rain. People at the airport kept talking about all the rain. What's the big deal? Seems like a little fall shower, typical of what we get in Virginia. Not pouring, just a nice steady shower. However on the way to the hotel I figured out what all the fuss was about. Part of the freeway had flooded. Like not just a little standing water - 5 feet of water. On our side of the road it wasn't too bad and my taxi driver could make it through the 2 feet safely. But the other side was at a standstill. Fun times!

Made it to my hotel and had a good (by hotel restaurant standards) lunch. Since my room wasn't ready yet (it was only noon on the west coast) I decided to take a little walk. Luckily the hotel prepares for idiot tourists like myself who are fully aware of the fog and constant drizzle in 'The Fog City' but still aren't smart enough to bring an umbrella. They have lots of loaners.

What started out as a leisurely stroll down the street turned into a 3 mile round trip jaunt along the piers. It was made even more enjoyable when the rain stopped and the sun came out. 

My lone companion in the rain.

View of downtown

I'm sure this pier has been in some movie but can't remember which one(s). I'm sure it's also packed with people when the weather is nice. I was glad to have it all to myself for a little while.

Fog? What fog?

Sun! And sea lions!

The fog lifting off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Alcatraz (more on that in a later post)

Fisherman's Wharf

The view from my hotel room. Not bad, eh?

Still adjusting to the time change - my body thinks its time for dinner and bed, but my watch tells me it's not even happy hour yet. Tonight's agenda = a leadership team meeting, a reception, and then maybe a seafood dinner at this place on the water called, appropriately, The Waterfront.

More adventures tomorrow!


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