Off to Neverland!

Here's our little Tinkerbell and Peter Pan enjoying their first (and hopefully not last) coordinated Halloween costumes. Little Peter Pan wasn't quite sure what was going on but started to figure it out once he realized his bag was full of things that he could eat. "Peas! Peas!" (please) was a favorite word of the day.

At our church's 'Trunk-or-Treat'
Parker: 'What is this stupid thing around my neck?'

Parker: 'What am I supposed to do here, Mom?'
Parker: 'Can I please eat this candy in peace?'
At her school's costume parade.

With the rest of her class at school.
Mommy won 'prettiest costume' as Little Bo Peep at my work costume contest!

With her best friend Owen, ready to go trick-or-treating!

Parker was too amused by the flashlight to pose for pictures.
Just like any typical day in our house...
Parker's attempt to keep up with all the big kids.
Still trying to figure out this whole trick-or-treating thing (with Nana)
After returning to the house, Ainsley and Owen spent nearly an hour handing out candy and pencils to the other trick-or-treaters. Yes, I'm that annoying mom who gives out pencils.
When they ran out of pencils, Ainsley went up to a dad and daughter and said "This is my very last pencil for you to have. You need to tell all of your friends that we ran out of pencils, so they can't come here anymore."

Sorting her candy stash at the end of the night. 

When asked before bed what her favorite part of Halloween was, she responded "Handing out pencils to all the kids!" She said to Nana earlier "I LOVE Halloween even better than Christmas! This is so much FUN!" I hope she remembers that in December!


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