Things to be Thankful For

So many things to be thankful for this year. What better way to remind us of those things than a class full of 4 year olds? Here is Ainsley, dressed as an Indian, singing some songs about turkeys and Thanksgiving.

Afterwards we got to enjoy a special feast with the other parents and kids. 

We made the quick 4-hour drive to York to spend Thanksgiving with my side of the family. The kids really enjoyed playing with their cousins, who they don't get to see often enough. Parker is still too young to fully comprehend that he is the only boy in the family. 

A rare moment sitting still with cousin Kaitlyn.

So thankful to be with Nana and Papa!

Some silliness with cousins Julia and Clara. Parker is busy collecting all the trucks and cars in the house.

 Happy Thanksgiving!


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