The Not-So-Super Bowl

I know, I know. The game sucked. I was caught between rooting for the hometown boy (Russell Wilson) and an all-around awesome quarterback who deserves to win another Super Bowl before he retires (Peyton Manning). Oh well.  We made up for the lack of a competitive game by hanging out with good friends and celebrating Emma's first birthday. The assumed chaos of combining a birthday party with the super bowl wasn't actually as bad as I expected. The kids had a great time entertaining each other (with occasional adult supervision required), and the adults got to enjoy most of the game. There was also lots of delicious food for both kids and adults! Here are a few highlights from our evening at the Dudley home. 

When we first arrived Parker quickly spotted the plate of cupcakes on the table. Not wanting to miss the big moment, he climbed in a chair and patiently waited until it was time to eat them. His dedication paid off. 

Happy 1st birthday Emma!

Trying to figure out the best way to steal chips off people's plates while looking innocent.

Tata is an excellent artist. 

The Baby Whisperer

Those Redskins fans have to stick together

Trying to figure out how to fit in with the rest of the guys. 

Boys and their toys


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