Two Year Old Man

How is it possible that I have a two-year-old son? It seems like yesterday that Ainsley was a two-year-old and I was pregnant. Now I have a daughter who is almost 5 and a son who is no longer a baby. Of course in my mind he will always be the baby. My little mommy's boy, who loves snuggles, follows me everywhere, and asks me to sing to him before bed every night. ('Stars please?') When Ainsley was our one-and-only, I couldn't imagine possibly loving another child as much as I love her. But here we are, with two beautiful children, and I love them both more than life.  Happy birthday to my little man. I can't wait to watch you grow over the next year!

"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."


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