Parker's Special Day

Thank you to all our friends and family who made Parker's birthday so special. He was a typical two-year-old - energetic, moody, and completely attached to Mommy. Here are some highlights from his birthday!

Friday night we celebrated with a cupcake with Nana and Papa.

Sunday, his birthday, we started the day with a trip to Waffle House. He even ordered his own waffle from the waitress! " Waffle please!"

Although today the temperatures reached 70 degrees, we couldn't have anticipated that so we held Parker's birthday party at Romp-N-Roll, an indoor children's gym. We picked up his cake from a local bakery, and made the mistake of showing it to him right before the party. Note to self: Never buy a cake that has toys on it. 

He wanted to get his hands on that dump truck. Nothing we did could distract him from that obsession. The party started, friends arrived, kids were playing, and he spent the whole time crying and throwing himself down on the floor. Finally we made the smart decision to just remove the stupid truck from the cake and give it to him. Success! A happy boy! He played, ran, climbed, and jumped for a while with his friends. 

Then during the dance party he started crying and throwing a tantrum again. They brought out the moon bounce, but he wouldn't go in it. We thought he was asking for "popcorn" over and over again. So we decided we would go ahead and eat the cake. Once we got into the party room he ran over to the cake, and pointed to the backhoe (we discovered "popcorn" and "backhoe" sound very similar). 

He did eat a little cake, but was just happy to finally get his hands on the backhoe. Now he had both the truck AND the backhoe, so then he just spent the next 10 minutes playing with them. We went back in the playroom for a while longer. He sat in a corner and played with the toys from his cake. At this point we were wondering why we didn't just buy some trucks and have some kids over the play with them. But luckily all of the other kids were having a great time at the party. Ainsley ran herself silly and had a blast. 

The party ended with a bubble disco dance - and for once he dropped his toys and enjoyed popping bubbles. By the end, he was a happy boy and all the kids had a great time. 

After the party we invited friends to join us for lunch at a local restaurant. Imagine 10 adults and 8 kids in a restaurant and you'll have a pretty good idea of the scene. But even with the craziness, all seemed to have fun. 

Both kids crashed for naps and when they woke up we opened some gifts. The weather was still beautiful so we took a family bike ride around the neighborhood, and the kids placed with bubbles in the driveway. A beautiful end to a beautiful day. Happy birthday, Parker!  


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