Birthday Bug

It's so hard to believe that our little girl is turning FIVE today! What a busy week - birthday party at preschool on Tuesday, real birthday celebration with family on Wednesday, preschool graduation on Thursday, and a birthday party with friends on Saturday. It's a week jam-packed with celebrations!

Ainsley has been the light of our life since joining our family five years ago. Arriving a week early, she has always been in a hurry to do things faster than everyone else. She has a hard time understanding that life is not a competition! She makes us laugh everyday with her silly songs and dances. She fills my heart with joy every time she draws a picture filled with hearts for me. And although she encourages her little brother to be her partner-in-crime, she does a wonderful job watching out for him and making him smile when he is upset.

Our little bug is such a special girl - I can't wait to watch her grow up and see the woman she becomes.

Happy birthday bug!


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