The Graduate

Preschool graduation seems like a silly thing until you actually have a child graduating from preschool. How did this happen? She just started going to our church preschool a few weeks ago... or was it a few years ago? I can't keep track - it's all happening too quickly! I'm not ready to have a child in elementary school! Now she'll be in 'real school' for the next 13 years of her life! And then she'll go away to college! What happened to my little girl?! ::Deep breaths::

Not only did Ainsley get to celebrate her fifth birthday this week, but she also gets to celebrate the end of the school year.

Here are Ainsley, Ava, and Julianne on their last day of school. They've been best buddies at preschool for the past two years. She is going to miss them so much next year!

At lunchtime her class had their end-of-year picnic. It was a hot day but we had fun saying goodbye to her friends. Her teachers made an amazing book for each kid, with pictures of them throughout the year. It also recorded her weight and height at both the start and end of the school year. Although Ainsley has only gained 1 lb, she has grown almost 1 1/2 inches!

We returned back to church/school in the evening for their official graduation program. The kids sang a few songs for us, and each one walked across the 'bridge to kindergarten' to receive their diploma. Their teachers asked them earlier in the day what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some of the kids gave some pretty funny answers. But Ainsley's was simple, and the same answer she always gives when asked that question. A mommy.

We let her choose where to go for dinner and she picked Cheese House (Noodles and Company). We had a fun dinner followed by Sweet Frog fro-yo. She quickly passed out in the car and was snoring by the time we arrived home.

Congratulations bug! You're a big girl now!


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