Ainsley's Adventures

Our little girl is finally old enough to spend the week with my in-laws and her cousins. Every year Skip and Reva have what I call "Grandparent Camp", where they take the older kids for two weeks of fun. This year Ainsley joined them for the second week. Reva and Carolina (7) drove up to our house last weekend. We did some fun things with the girls and it gave them a chance to get settled with each other (we hadn't seen them since Christmas).  We went to the zoo, and in the afternoon the girls went to the pool while Parker napped.  

Pretty Princesses

Fun at the zoo

Saturday night we all went to a Flying Squirrels baseball game. Parker and I left early, but the girls got to stay for fireworks and running the bases.

Running the bases after the game (Ainsley is in the blue dress, giving everyone high-fives)

On Sunday Reva, Carolina, and Ainsley piled into the car and drove down to North Carolina. Parker cried in the driveway as the left. "My sissy! My sissy!" he called over and over again. But five minutes later he had forgotten that she left (although he has asked for her occasionally throughout the week - I think he's secretly enjoyed being the center of attention). 

Ainsley's first night at Grandma and Grandaddy's house. She and Carolina had a bath in the BIG tub!

Drying their hair before bed.

Cousin Maddie reading stories to them before bed. Ainsley was so excited to sleep on the screen porch!

On Monday Reva took the girls to the local children's museum. They had a great time! 

On Tuesday they went to an amusement park. The girls rode roller coasters at least two dozen times and had a blast! They spent all day at the park and she quickly fell asleep on the way home. 

On Wednesday and Thursday they got to swim. Every day that she was there, the whole family would wake up in the morning and go for a long walk with the dogs (2 miles a day!)

I picked her up on Friday and she couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had at Grandma and Grandaddy's. What a great week for my little girl!


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