Beach Time

I realized, at some point in June, that we would not be taking any of our regular trips to the beach this summer. Kiawah has been moved to next year, and our every-other-year trip to Pawleys Island with the Bowlin-Williams clan is also in an off year. What? No beach time with the kids? Parker is finally old enough to start enjoying it! Well, never fear. About two days after this realization, a good friend invited me to come to her beach house for a few days in Sandbridge. The timing didn't work out for us to go for very long (and DH had to stay behind due to work commitments), but the kids and I threw everything in the car and drove to the beach for 24 hours. A short but fun trip with friends. 

Ainsley and Gordon checking out the waves. 

Parker took a little time to warm up to the water. 

But he loved the sand! 

A little break for some Barney.

All a boy needs is a few tractors to keep him happy.

 Catching crabs

 Cool popsicles on a hot day (which Parker then promptly dropped in the sand).

Thanks Cary and Gordon for a fun time! 


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