North Pond 2014

I always feel so blessed when I can spend time at North Pond - especially in the summer when it's most perfect. I grew up spending summers here, and I'm so glad my children can do the same (in a slightly more upscale cabin than the one I used to stay in!) 

This year we tagged on some extra time before the Ayres family reunion, so we were actually there for 10 days. Normally we spend 4th of July in Richmond but this year we drove up to PA on the 3rd so we could enjoy the festivities that Montrose has to offer. The kids really enjoyed the parade - Parker was a big fan of all the classic cars, tractors, and fire trucks. 

The kids spent the week doing what they love - spending time with Nana and Papa, riding the Ranger, ATV, and tractor, going to Antol's for ice cream, walking in the woods and looking for newts, swimming in the lake, roasting marshmallows, and playing with the endless supply of rocks. Parker rode the tractor for the first time this year and quickly became obsessed with it. He can't wait until he's old enough to mow those fields with Papa! 

Out in the kayak


Parker's first tractor ride!

...and his subsequent meltdown when it was time to get off. 

 Whenever he didn't want to do something he'd say "I see Nana!"

Our kids.

A dump truck and a bunch of rocks - what else could you need?

Antol's ice cream!

Morning snuggle time.

Bedtime stories with Nana.

My parents were gracious enough to watch the kids for 36 hours while we took a quick trip to Cooperstown. Only about a 2 hour drive from the lake, it's been on our bucket list for a while. We stayed at an old resort hotel right on the lake, and spent several hours visiting the Baseball Hall of Fame and museum. My DH was in heaven. We had a few good meals, read books by the pool, slept in, and had a relaxing trip. It's always good to get away from the kids sometimes, even if it's just overnight. We're very lucky to have parents (both sets) that give us those opportunities. 

What a kid-free night looks like!

Baseball Hall of Fame

View from our hotel!

When we returned to the cabin some strong storms came through and brought down two large trees. Thankfully it was several days before the reunion so we were able to get it all cleared up before family arrived! 

We spent a few days doing chores around the cabin and getting things ready for our family reunion (another post). We had a great visit and were so sad when it was time to come home and return to reality. Thanks Nana and Papa!

Dixie's way of making sure we didn't come home without her. 


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