A Swimming Boy

While the rest of us were skiing, Parker got to stay at home and have some quality time with Nana and Papa. As the second child, he doesn't get much opportunity to be the center of attention. He loves the chance to have special time with grandparents when he gets to choose what to play with, what to watch, where to go, what to read... He was a little disappointed when we returned from our trip and he had to share the spotlight with his sister again. 

Saturday morning he started his first swim lessons. He spent a lot of time in the pool and lake last year, but he hasn't had any lessons yet. We decided this was the perfect time to start. He'll have lessons from now through the middle of June so he will be ready to show off his skills when the neighborhood pool opens! Nana and Papa took him to the YMCA and he was eager to start his lessons in the pool. 

After a fun morning swimming, Nana and Papa took him to the Virginia Aviation Museum at the airport. A colleague told me about it so we thought it would be a fun place for him to enjoy with his Papa, a former pilot! 

Sunday they spent lots of time at the Children's Museum and he was treated to Sweet Frog after his nap. He had lots of fun playing with some of his birthday presents, riding his bike outside in the warm weather, and reading his truck books. Although he was very happy to see us when we returned from skiing on Tuesday, he certainly had a great time with his Nana and Papa! Thanks for taking care of our little guy!


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