A Big Birthday Boy

Look who turned three years old last week! I don't know how that's possible. It seems like only yesterday he was still crawling and babbling.

My sweet, adorable, silly little man was lucky to have his birthday celebration spread out over two weeks. My parents were in town before going on vacation, so we baked cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday to him. Then he opened our presents at home on the day before his birthday.

Then on Monday, his actual birthday, I had a work meeting. But never fear - Daddy took him out for Sweet Frog and he was a happy boy!

Packages arrived in the mail from family throughout the week, so we let him open one each night. He was so excited to see what each box contained. When my parents got back from their trip, he got to open presents from them.

Then on Sunday (yesterday) we held his birthday party at Monkey Joe's (a bouncey house place). 15 kids running around, jumping, sliding, and playing - what a blast! He had pizza and cake for dinner, and loved singing Happy Birthday to himself. He even blew out all his candles! He was one very happy and very tired boy last night.

Singing happy birthday to himself!

What does three-year-old Parker like? Well, he continues to like any kind of moving vehicle - trucks, cars, trains, airplanes, construction vehicles... he is ALL boy! He got some cool building blocks for his birthday and loves building them up and then knocking them all down. He especially enjoys watching his sister build something and then he runs into the room and crashes into it. I think he gets joy out of hearing her scream at him. Speaking of his sister, he loves just about anything that she does. He wants to play with whatever she is playing with, do whatever she is doing, say whatever she is saying, and follow her wherever she goes. It's very cute (and sometimes very annoying for her). Sometimes she takes advantage of it and gets him to do things like this...

He loves wearing pajamas and would wear them all day (and sometimes does). He loves reading books and has recently decided that he likes stickers (although he really isn't into coloring much yet). His three-year-old self has decided it isn't cool to snuggle with mom and dad anymore - it's funnier if he runs away laughing instead.  His immediate answer to any question is 'NO', but sometimes that answer is quickly replaced with a different answer once he actually processes the question.

"Do you want some dessert?"
"NO!".... "Umm... YES!"

He has figured out how to say 'cheese' for pictures, so we've actually gotten some good ones lately. Although I usually just get one or two, and then he says "No, Mama - you already take my picture!"

He is still a great sleeper - about 11 hours at night and he consistently takes 2.5 - 3 hours naps in the afternoon (sometimes longer!) This boy loves his sleep! Parker is such a charmer with his smile and his silly laugh. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Here are some videos of Parker opening some of his birthday presents!


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