Ski Adventures 2015

We made our 2nd annual trip to Snowshoe, WV this week for some family skiing (minus Parker, who had a fun time at home with Nana and Papa). We had great weather and enjoyed getting out on the slopes!  Last year my little bug got car sick on the way home from the windy roads. This year we got some children's Dramamine and it worked like a charm. It knocked her out just long enough to get from the interstate through the mountains. 

We arrived on Saturday and went tubing while we waited to get checked into our room. Ainsley had a blast, although she was very competitive about getting down the hill first. I wonder where she gets that from...

It's hard to hold the video while doing this, but you can kinda get a glimpse of Ainsley in the lane next to me, and Eric on the other side of her. 

It's so much FUN!

We got up early on Sunday and got Ainsley ready for ski school. She did a great job last year, but it had been a whole year so she really didn't remember anything. She started back in the beginning group so she could re-learn and get some practice. Eric and I spent the day on the slopes (he kindly stayed with me for a while until I got comfortable again). We usually skied different slopes (me on the green, him on the black) and then met at the bottom to ride the lift together. 

At the end of the day we picked up Ainsley from ski school and she was anxious to show off her moves. Here she is with Daddy going down the bunny slope. She can't really turn yet so if there is someone in front of her she just yells 'WATCH OUT!' and hopes they get out of her way. 

We all slept well that night, but woke up a little sore the next morning. Ainsley was ready to get back out in the snow, but we took a little longer to get our legs moving again. The weather was a little warmer on Monday so by the afternoon the snow was getting a little slushy. I'm still proud that I only fell twice (once each day)! As you can probably guess, I am more concerned with control than speed, but I felt much more comfortable than I did last year. I was even tempted to try a blue run... but then decided against it. :-)  Eric had a good time on the black diamonds, and he always manages to meet interesting people when he's on the expert slopes. 

That afternoon we picked up Ainsley from ski school and learned that she had spent the afternoon out on the regular green runs (promoted from the bunny slopes). She was jumping up and down (with her skis on) because she was so anxious to show us what she could do. Daddy followed her down the mountain with the camera, while I followed (slowly) behind. She took off down the hill like the fearless little girl that she is (and like her Daddy was at that age). She made it all the way down the mountain twice and never fell! When she got to the bottom of the mountain and was ready to get on the lift, Eric said they had to wait for me. She turned to him and said "Why is Mommy such a slow poke?"  

Yes, yes, I can already tell that I'm going to be abandoned on the green slopes in a few years while my children and DH go speeding down the black diamonds together. That's okay - I'm happy that they can get on skis this young so they can enjoy the sport for a long time.  Next year Parker will be old enough to start ski school so we plan to take the whole family skiing a few times.  What a fun adventure! 


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