Traveling Alone

I'm going on a trip! To sunny, warm Tucson! For work! ALL BY MYSELF! Now, don't get me wrong - I'd love my DH to join me. But this is a 'work' trip. And honestly sometimes it's just great to have a few days alone to recharge the mommy/wife batteries. Who knew I could fit my belongings for a four day trip in a suitcase only slightly larger than my purse? And I even changed purses! After removing the diapers, baby wipes, baby food, snacks, lollipops, spoons, bibs and disposable placemats, I found that the only things left were my wallet, chap stick and sunglasses. I had tons of space now for sudoku and half-read books that I've been trying to finish for the past two years. After stocking up on trashy magazines and a bag of M & Ms (shhhh!) I boarded my flight and prepared for 4 hours of sitting quietly, uninterrupted by kids, pets, to-do lists or iPhones. Upon arrival at the conference resort I was greeted by this baby owl. He apparently was just lear...