Traveling Alone

I'm going on a trip! To sunny, warm Tucson! For work! ALL BY MYSELF! Now, don't get me wrong - I'd love my DH to join me. But this is a 'work' trip. And honestly sometimes it's just great to have a few days alone to recharge the mommy/wife batteries.

Who knew I could fit my belongings for a four day trip in a suitcase only slightly larger than my purse? And I even changed purses! After removing the diapers, baby wipes, baby food, snacks, lollipops, spoons, bibs and disposable placemats, I found that the only things left were my wallet, chap stick and sunglasses. I had tons of space now for sudoku and half-read books that I've been trying to finish for the past two years.

After stocking up on trashy magazines and a bag of M & Ms (shhhh!) I boarded my flight and prepared for 4 hours of sitting quietly, uninterrupted by kids, pets, to-do lists or iPhones.

Upon arrival at the conference resort I was greeted by this baby owl. He apparently was just learning to fly and decided it was good motivation to have a mom (albeit a human one) around to watch him. I smiled thinking of Parker learning to walk, and I immediately missed my family. Stupid kids - can't I have 48 hours without mommy guilt?

I attempted a quick visit to the pool before conference activities begin. But after admiring my newly painted toes my mind wanders again. Will DH remember to pick up the kids today? Did I tell him to pack a snack in Ainsley's backpack on Monday? Did they take good naps today? I wonder when Parker will start saying more words. Should I sign Ainsley up for soccer or gymnastics this summer? Ainsley would really love this pool.

Forget it. Apparently water and sun aren't good distractions from my missing family members. I'll head to the bar instead...


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