Firefighters, Ambulances and Policemen

Ainsley has been learning a lot about our public safety officers this year. Whenever we hear a siren or see a truck or car with flashing lights, Ainsley immediately asks what it is. Is there a fire? Is someone hurt? Is it a police car? Between school visits and increased awareness of her surroundings, it seems that they come up in conversation at least once a day.

We pass a fire station on the way to the sitter's house each day.
Ainsley: Daddy, when I grow up we can both be firefighters! We can ride on the fire truck!
Daddy: Yes, you can be a firefighter when you grow up. But Ainsley, you know that firefighters actually have to help put out fires. They have to wear special clothes and helmets to protect them from the fire. It gets very hot and they have to be careful not to get burned.
Ainsley: Oh. I don't like fire. (Pause) Daddy, you can be a firefighter by yourself.

Again, she's in the car with Daddy when an ambulance drives by.
Ainsley: Daddy, that's an ambulance! They help people who are hurt.
Daddy: Yes, but they just help people who have an emergency.
Ainsley: Like if someone has to go potty really bad?

We talk a lot about how policemen help people, and if she is ever lost or needs help she should always look for a police officer. However she has also learned that police officers give tickets.
Ainsley: Look, Mommy! There's a policeman! Is he going to give you a ticket for crossing the yellow line?
Me: No, sweetie. We haven't crossed the yellow line. We're sitting at the stop light.
Ainsley: (After I start driving) You shouldn't drive too fast Mommy, or he'll give you a ticket for that too.
Me: Okay, I won't drive too fast.
Ainsley: Do you know who gets a lot of tickets?
Me: Who?
Ainsley: Nana!
At least she knows who I inherited my lead foot from...


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