Good Friday and Easter Lessons

Ainsley has been obsessing over her Easter dress for weeks, ever since I brought it home from Costco (hey, don't judge - they have really cute kid's clothes). She routinely wears it around the house, and shows it off to anyone who walks in our front door. So she was particularly thrilled that she got to wear it to school on Good Friday for the Easter Parade and Egg Hunt.

When I first arrived at her school for the egg hunt, she ran up to me with a very worried look on her face and said "Mama! Jesus DIED!!!!" They had been learning about the Easter story all week at school and apparently Friday morning was when they finally got to the part about how Jesus was crucified on the cross. She was very upset about it, talking about the mean men and how they poked holes in Jesus' hands and feet and put a thorny crown on his head. But then her little face lit up when she talked about how Jesus woke up and got to go live in the blue sky. "And then God made EASTER EGGS!" Yep - God welcomed Jesus into heaven and decided to celebrate by making the clouds rain colored Easter eggs full of candy. Sounds like a good version of the story to a three-year-old.

Each child was supposed to find 12 eggs for their basket, but of course my always-competitive child couldn't resist running around to gather as many eggs as possible. When I finally caught up with her the basket was full and she had 27 eggs. It took several minutes of negotiating and explaining the rules about sharing. She then tactfully opened each egg to see what was inside, and then helped me re-hide 15 eggs for the other kids to find. My chocolate-hating daughter (I swear she was adopted) was thrilled to get eggs filled with stickers, jelly beans, and plastic jewelry.

Enjoying a donut birthday party for MacKenzie before school.

Lining up for the egg hunt!

Easter Parade

Parker, trying to participate in the parade.

On your mark, get set, GO!

Ainsley and Julianne with their goodies.

Me and my little Easter bug.

Completely worn out from her school adventures.


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