A Visit from the Easter Bunny

Last weekend we made the trip down to Skip and Reva's mountain home in North Carolina. It's been a while since we had visited, and Ainsley was very excited to spend Easter with Grandma and Grandaddy! The weekend was filled with lots of fun activities - icing and decorating a bunny cake, dyeing Easter eggs, and learning some new songs on Grandaddy's guitar. Easter morning both kids had a great time finding all of the eggs and treats that the Easter bunny had left for them. Parker mostly enjoyed chewing on the eggs and shaking them, while Ainsley enjoyed the treats inside them. That sneaky Easter bunny had some very difficult hiding places! He also left them some great baskets with fun toys and snacks (and as usual, each kid wanted what was in the other kid's basket). I'm thankful now more than ever that I was an only child and didn't have to share - thanks, Mom and Dad! :-)

If you read my previous post then you know how much Ainsley adores her Easter dress. The big day finally arrived and she wore her dress to church on Easter Sunday. She walked up to the front of the church with Grandaddy, who delivered the children's message (and magic trick, of course). Somehow we even managed to get some family photos after church with everyone looking at the camera!

Parker was anxious to show off his new walking skills, Ainsley helped Grandaddy pick daffodils, and we enjoyed a delicious Easter meal. A great visit, as always. Now if that Easter bunny would just come take some of this candy so I don't eat it all.... 

Frosting the bunny cake while Grandma supervises.

Dyeing Easter eggs is very serious business.

The results!

Parker sure loves his Grandma!

 The cutest bunny ever.

'Can I eat all the treats now?'

'Why can't I get this stupid egg open?!'

'I....almost.... got... it!'


'Wow! This makes a really cool noise!'

'Me and Grandma look so beautiful in our long dresses!'

Skip and Reva with their two youngest grandkids.

 Finally! A family photo!

Me and the love of my life.

'See? I can walk AND chew on this toy at the SAME TIME!'

 Music lesson.

A captive audience!

Afternoon walk, scouting out some good flower beds.

The best way to travel!

Picking out the perfect daffodils.

Sadly, time to head home. At least she travels in style!


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