The Poem

Ainsley was very excited to get some new pencils in a goodie bag from a friend's birthday party last weekend. Usually when she gets pencils I just hide them away in our desk - I don't think we even own a pencil sharpener anymore. But she was particularly excited about these because they have Lalaloopsy on them. So being the good mother that I am, I hauled the pencils into work and used our automatic pencil sharpener. When I brought them home to her, you'd have thought I brought home a new pony. She was beyond thrilled. Pencils?  Really? Must be her English-teacher grandmother rubbing off on her. I was thinking that exact thought when she pulled out a notebook and started writing. "Are you drawing a picture with your new pencils?" I ask her. "No, Mama. I'm writing a polem" [that's pronounced 'pole-emm' for those of you not well versed in Ainsley-speak]. Then she continues: "Please be quiet so I can concentrate. I have to write my polem."  

She was silent for 25 minutes while writing her masterpiece. Parker and I weren't quite sure what to do with this time of peace and quiet. Dixie even looked a little concerned. But Ainsley wouldn't be deterred. Even after Parker stole one of her pencils and they had a momentary screaming match, she immediately went back to her writing. I think we have a future Nobel Laureate in our family. 

And of course all her poems will be dedicated to the best mother in world, because I'm the one who sharpened her pencils. 


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