Hunting for Girls

Ainsley was so excited to go back to hunting camp this year. She spent weeks asking how many days until we got there. She was so excited to sleep in the bunk beds and use her 'special potty' (the camping toilet that Papa got out so she didn't have to use the outhouse). Parker stayed at the lake with Nana while the rest of us stayed at hunting camp. Eric and Papa had been hunting all week by the time we arrived on Thursday.  While Eric and I hunted, Ainsley spent her days with Papa hiking in the woods, collecting sticks for fires, roasting marshmallows, playing in the snow, riding in the Ranger, and looking for wildlife. Papa started teaching her how to read a compass, and she was thrilled to get her own walkie-talkie to use at nap time. She loved every minute of it and can't wait to go back again!

Trying on Daddy's boot blankets. 

Snuggling with Daddy before dinner.

Listening to Papa's stories (and guarding the turkey feather that she found in the woods that day).

Teaching Gary how to play the Little Mermaid game.

Sitting high in Mommy's bunk!

And then this happened on the way home.

No worries! We made it home in 10+ hours. The kids were amazingly well behaved for being stuck in the car that long. I think they were still exhausted from all the fun they had and the time spent outside in the cool mountain air. Looking forward to hunting again next year!


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