Singing Bug

Last night was Ainsley's school program. As a 4-year-old she got to sing five times, both with her class and with the whole school. She looked so pretty in her black and white dress (thanks cousin Clara for the beautiful hand-me-down!)  Our little bug was a stunning performer, as always. Parker wasn't quite as thrilled about it. He was actually pretty pissed off that all of these kids got to stand up on stage and he wasn't allowed to be with them. Every chance he got, he would run toward the stage as fast as he could. I had to keep him out in the hallway for most of the show. He REALLY wanted to stand next to his big sister.  Finally at the end of the program parents were allowed to come collect their child with their class. Parker took this moment to pull away from me, weave his way through the crowd, and climb up onto the top riser. He couldn't find Ainsley in the crowd so he just plopped himself down next to some other boys on stage and smiled.  Let's fast-forward to next year when he'll be the one performing. We'll see if he's still so anxious to be up in front of the crowd!

Here is our little singing bug, also doing the sign language for Jesus Loves Me.

And here she is with sleigh bells. She was a little disappointed that she didn't get to take them home.


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