The Show

A few nights ago we had some friends over for dinner. Ainsley's friend Beatrix came also, and they spent the night giggling, running, and playing games. While the adults were eating dinner, the two of them were in the playroom with a big container of peel-off stickers. They were working on a presentation. Ainsley came out of the room several times to tell us that she was going to put on her 'singing dress' and they would put on a show for us. They spent over an hour working on these masterpieces. I won't go into detail about what the playroom looked like when they were finished, but I will say that the entire tub of stickers was empty.

We were told to sit in the living room in front of the fireplace for their big show. Ainsley put on her Snow White dress (her singing dress apparently). Beatrix decided she really didn't want to get up in front of everyone, so she sat on the floor (or, the stage), and supported Ainsley in her starring role.

Ainsley got up in front of the room and sang a song about each of the pictures she'd created. This went on for, literally, 9 minutes of non-stop singing. She must've had 20 pictures that she sang about. We couldn't stop laughing long enough to record the entire performance, but here are a few clips for your viewing pleasure.

And still some more...

Maybe she has a career in the theater in her future...


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